
C# for Visual Basic

In this appendix we present a brief introduction to the C# language, specifically aimed at those
developers whose experience up until now has been mostly or entirely with Visual Basic 6.
Note that throughout this appendix, references to Visual Basic indicate Visual Basic 6. On those
few occasions when we mention Visual Basic .NET, we will explicitly name it as such.
C# and Visual Basic are very different languages, both in their syntactical style and in the fundamental
concepts that they are based on. This means that Visual Basic developers will find they
have quite a steep learning curve to climb in order to become familiar with C#, even at a basic
level. The aim of this appendix is to make that learning curve easier by providing a tutorial to C#. This tutorial presumes knowledge of Visual Basic, and focuses on the main conceptual differences between the two languages. Our approach in this appendix will be to compare Visual Basic solutions with C# solutions programmatically. This does mean that our coverage of the C# language will be restricted to a basic level. We are not
going to cover the more advanced features of the language (which is covered in Part I of this
book). The emphasis is on showing you the different methodologies involved in writing code
using the C# language.
Differences Between C# and Visual Basic
Beyond the obvious syntactical differences between these two languages, there are really two key concepts with which you have to familiarize yourself in order to progress from Visual Basic to C#:
1. The concept of the complete flow of execution of a program from start to finish: Visual Basic
hides this aspect of programs from you, so that the only elements of a Visual Basic program you
code are the event handlers and any methods in class modules. C# makes the complete program
available to you as source code. The reason for this has to do with the fact that C# can be seen,
philosophically, as next-generation C++. The roots of C++ go back to the 1960s and predate windowed user interfaces and sophisticated operating systems. C++ evolved as a low-level, closeto- the-machine, all-purpose language. To write GUI applications with C++ meant that you had
to invoke the system calls to create and interact with the windowed forms. C# has been
designed to build on this tradition while simplifying and modernizing C++, to combine the
low-level performance benefits of C++ with the ease of coding in Visual Basic. Visual Basic, on
the other hand, is designed specifically for rapid application development of Windows GUI
applications. For this reason, in Visual Basic all the GUI boilerplate code is hidden, and all the
Visual Basic programmer implements are the event handlers. In C# on the other hand, this boilerplate
code is exposed as part of your source code.
2. Classes and inheritance: C# is a genuine object-oriented language, unlike Visual Basic, requiring
all code to be a part of a class. It also includes extensive support for implementation inheritance.
Indeed, most well-designed C# programs will be very much designed around this form of
inheritance, which is completely absent in Visual Basic.
The bulk of this appendix is devoted to developing two sample applications. The first example is a
simple form, written in both Visual Basic and C#, that asks the user for a number and displays the
square root and sign of the number. By comparing the Visual Basic and C# versions of the sample in
some detail, you will learn basic C# syntax and also understand the concepts behind the flow of execution
of a program.
Next we present a Visual Basic class module that stores information about employees and its C# equivalent.
This example demonstrates the real power of C# by showing you the shortcomings of Visual Basic.
We then complete the appendix with a short tour of some of the remaining differences between Visual
Basic and C#.
Before we start, however, we need to clarify a couple of concepts: classes, compilation, and the .NET
base classes.
Throughout this appendix we use C# classes quite extensively. C# classes represent precisely defined
objects (see Chapter 3 and Appendix A). However, for our purposes, we are better off thinking of them
as the C# equivalent to Visual Basic class modules, because they are quite similar entities: Like a Visual
Basic class module, a C# class implements properties and methods, and contains member variables. Like
a Visual Basic class module, you can create objects of a given C# class (class instances) using the operator
new. Beyond these similarities, however, there are many differences. For example, a Visual Basic class
module is really a COM class. C# classes, by contrast, are always integrated into .NET Framework. C#
classes are also more lightweight than their Visual Basic or COM counterparts, in the sense that they are
designed for performance and give a smaller performance hit when instantiated. However, for the most
part these differences will not affect our discussion of the C# language here.
Appendix B
As you know, computers never directly execute code in any high-level language, whether it is Visual
Basic, C++, C, or any other language. Instead, all source code is first translated into native executable
code, a process usually known as compilation. When you are debugging, Visual Basic offers the option of
just running the code (meaning that each line of Visual Basic code is interpreted as the computer executes
that line), or of doing a full compile (meaning that the entire program is first translated into executable
code, and then execution starts). Performing a full compile first means that any syntax errors are discovered
by the compiler before the program starts running. It also yields much higher performance when
running and is therefore the only option permitted in C#.
In C#, compilation is done in two stages. First code is complied into the Microsoft intermediate language
(IL), a process commonly referred to as compilation. Then the code is converted into native executable
code at run time. This is not the same as interpreting. Entire portions of code are converted from IL to
assembly language at a time and the resultant native executable is then stored so it doesn’t need to be
recompiled the next time that portion of code is executed. Combined with various optimizations,
Microsoft believes that this will ultimately lead to code that is actually faster to execute than with the
previous system of compiling direct from source code to native executable. Although the existence of IL
is something that you need to bear in mind, it won’t affect our discussion in this appendix, because it
doesn’t really affect C# language syntax.
The .NET Base Classes
Visual Basic has a large number of associated functions, such as the conversion functions CInt, CStr,
and so on, the file system functions, date-time functions, and many more. Visual Basic also relies on the
presence of ActiveX controls to provide the standard controls that you put on your form, such as listboxes,
buttons, textboxes, and so on.
C# also relies on extensive support for these sorts of areas. However, in the case of C#, this support comes
from a very large set of classes known as the .NET base classes. These classes provide support for almost
every aspect of Windows development. There are classes that represent all the standard controls, classes
that perform conversions, classes that perform date-time and file system access, classes that access the
Internet, and many more. We won’t go into the .NET base class library in detail here, but we will frequently
refer to it. Indeed, C# is so well integrated with the .NET base classes, many C# keywords just
provide wrappers around particular base classes. In particular, all the basic C# data types that are used
to represent integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and so on are actually base classes.
In this respect, there is a marked distinction between Visual Basic and C#; the Visual Basic system functions
are specific to Visual Basic, whereas the respective functionality of C# is provided by the .NET base
classes, which are accessible to any .NET-aware language.
In this appendix we frequently compare code in C# and Visual Basic. In order to make it easier to identify
code in these two languages, we present C# code in this format:
// C# code that we have already seen
// C# code that we want to draw attention to or which is new
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
However, all Visual Basic code will be presented in this format:
‘ Visual Basic code is presented with a white background
Example: The Square Root Form
In this section, we are going to examine a simple application called SquareRoot, which we have developed
in both Visual Basic and C#. The application is a simple dialog box that asks the user to type in a
number, and then, when the user clicks a button, displays the sign and square root of that number. If the
number is negative, the square root needs to be displayed as a complex number, which means taking the
square root of the number and adding ‘i’ after it. Figure B-1 shows the C# version of this example. The
Visual Basic version is pretty much identical in appearance except that it has a standard Visual Basic icon
in place of the .NET windows forms icon in the top-left corner.
Figure B-1
SquareRoot Visual Basic Version
To get this application working in Visual Basic, we simply need to add an event handler for the event of
clicking the button. We have given the button the name cmdShowResults, and the TextBox controls
have the intuitive names of txtNumber, txtSign, and txtResult. With these names, the event handler
for the button looks like this:
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdShowResults_Click()
Dim sngNumberInput As Single
sngNumberInput = CSng(Me.txtNumber.Text)
If (sngNumberInput < text =" “Negative”" text =" CStr(Sqr(-sngNumberInput))" sngnumberinput =" 0)" text =" “Zero”" text =" “0”" text =" “Positive”" text =" CStr(Sqr(sngNumberInput))" numberinput =" float.Parse(this.txtNumber.Text);" text =" “Negative”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(-NumberInput).ToString()" numberinput ="="" text =" “Zero”;" text =" “0”;" text =" “Positive”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(NumberInput).ToString" result =" 10*Input;" x =" /*20*/">
/// Event handler for user clicking Show Results button.
/// Displays square root and sign of number
private void OnClickShowResults(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Appendix B
If you use three forward slashes instead of two, the comment still lasts until the end of that line.
However, this comment now has an additional effect: The C# compiler is actually capable of using comments
that start with three slashes to automatically generate documentation for your source code as a
separate XML file. That’s why the comment text in the previous example appears to have a fairly formal
structure—it is ready to be placed into an XML file. We won’t go into the details of this process here (it’s
covered in Chapter 2). We will, however, say that this means that commenting each method of your code
allows you to have complete documentation automatically generated and updated when you modify
your code. The compiler even checks that the documentation matches the method signatures.
Statement separation and grouping
The most visible difference between the above C# and Visual Basic codes is the presence of semicolons
and curly braces in the C# code. Although this can make C# code look daunting, the principle is actually
very simple. Visual Basic uses carriage returns to indicate the ends of statements, whereas C# uses semicolons
for the same purpose. In fact, the C# compiler completely ignores all excess whitespace, including
carriage returns. These features of C# syntax can combine to give you a lot of freedom in laying out your
code. For example, the following snippet (reformatted from part of the above sample) is also perfectly
valid C# code:
this.txtSign.Text =
“Negative”; this.txtResult.Text = Math.Sqrt
(-NumberInput) + “ i”;
Obviously, if you want other people to be able to read your code, you will opt for the first coding style,
and Visual Studio .NET will automatically lay out your code in that style.
The braces are used to group statements together into what are known as block statements (or compound
statements). This is a concept that doesn’t exist in Visual Basic. In C#, you can group any statements by
placing braces around them. The group is now regarded as one single block statement and can be used
anywhere in C# where a single statement is expected.
Block statements are used a lot in C#. For example, in the C# code above there is no explicit indication of
the end of the OnClickShowResults() method (C# has methods, written in text with the () appended,
whereas Visual Basic has functions and subs). Visual Basic needs an End Sub statement at the end of any
sub because a sub can contain as many statements as you want, so a specific marker is the only way that
Visual Basic knows where you intend the sub to end. C# works differently. In C# a method is formed
from exactly one compound statement. Because of this, the method ends with the closing curly brace
matching the opening one at the start of the method.
You find this a lot in C#: where Visual Basic uses some keyword to mark the end of a block of code, C#
simply organizes the block into one compound statement. The if statement in the above samples illustrates
the same point. In Visual Basic, we need an EndIf statement to mark where the If block ends, if
the If statement is more than one line. In C#, the rule is simply that an if clause always contains exactly
one statement, and the else clause also contains one statement. If we want to put more than one statement
into either clause, as is the case in the above example, we use a compound statement.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
One other point you may notice about the syntax is that all the keywords—if, else, int, and so on—in
the C# code are in lowercase.
Unlike Visual Basic, C# is case-sensitive.
In C#, if you write If instead of if, the compiler won’t understand your code. One advantage of being
case-sensitive, however, is that you can have two variables whose names differ only in case, such as
Name and name. We’ll encounter this in our second sample application later in this appendix.
In general, you’ll find that all C# keywords are entirely lowercase.
Let’s compare the syntax that Visual Basic and C# use to declare the part of the code that handles the
Private Sub cmdShowResults_Click()
private void OnClickShowResults(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
The Visual Basic version declares a sub, whereas the C# version declares a method. In Visual Basic, code
is traditionally grouped into subs and functions, with the concept of a procedure being either.
Additionally, Visual Basic class objects have what are known as methods, which for all practical purposes
means the same thing as procedures except that they are part of a class module.
C#, by contrast, only has methods (that’s because everything in C# is part of a class). In C# does not support
the concept of functions and subroutines; these terms don’t even exist in the C# language specification.
In Visual Basic, the only real difference between a sub and a function is that a sub never returns a
value. In C#, if a method does not need to return a value, it is declared as returning void (as the
OnClickShowResults() method illustrated here).
The syntax for declaring a method is similar in the two languages, at least to the extent that the parameters
follow the method name in brackets. Note, however, that whereas in Visual Basic we indicated that
we were declaring a sub with the word Sub, there is no corresponding word in the C# version. In C#, the
return type (void in this case), followed by the method name, followed by the opening bracket, is sufficient
to tell the compiler that we are declaring a method, since no other construct in C# has this syntax
(arrays in C# are marked with square rather than round brackets so there is no risk of confusion with
Like the Visual Basic Sub, the C# method declaration above is preceded by the keyword private. This
has roughly the same meaning as in Visual Basic—it prevents outside code from being able to see the
method. (We’ll examine the notion of outside code shortly.)
There are two other differences to remark on about the method declaration: the C# version takes two
parameters, and it has a different name than the Visual Basic event handler.
Appendix B
We’ll tackle the name first. The name of the event handler in Visual Basic is supplied for you by the
Visual Basic IDE. The reason that Visual Basic knows that the Sub is the event handler for a button click
is because of the name, cmdShowResults_Click. If you renamed the sub, then it wouldn’t get called
when you click the button. However, C# doesn’t use the name in this way. In C#, there is some other
code that tells the compiler which method is the event handler for this event. That means we can give
the handler whatever name we want. However, something starting with On for an event handler is traditional,
and in C#, common practice is to name methods (and for that matter most other items) using
Pascal casing, which means that words are joined together with their first letters capitalized. Using
underscores in names in C# is not recommended, and we’ve chosen a name in accordance with these
guidelines: OnClickShowResults().
Now for the parameters. We won’t worry about explaining the details of these parameters in this
appendix. All you need to know for now is that all event handlers in C# are required to take two parameters
similar to these, and these parameters can provide some useful extra information about the event
in question (for example, for a mouse move event the parameters might indicate the location of the
mouse pointer).
The SquareRoot sample can tell us quite a lot about the differences between the variable declarations in
C# and Visual Basic. In the Visual Basic version we declare a floating-point number and set up its value
as follows:
Dim sngNumberInput As Single sngNumberInput = CSng(Me.txtNumber.Text)
The C# version looks like this:
float NumberInput = float.Parse(this.txtNumber.Text);
As you’d expect, the data types in C# aren’t exactly the same as in Visual Basic. float is the C# equivalent
to Single. It’s probably easier for us to understand what’s going on if we split up the C# version
into two lines. The following C# code has exactly the same effect as the line above:
float NumberInput; NumberInput = float.Parse(this.txtNumber.Text);
Now we can compare the declaration and initialization of the variable separately.
The obvious syntactical difference between C# and VB, as far as variable declarations are concerned, is
that in C#, the data type precedes rather than follows the name of the variable, with no other keywords.
This gives C# declarations a more compact format than their Visual Basic counterparts.
You’ll notice that this idea of a declaration consisting only of a type followed by a name is used elsewhere
too. Look again at the method declaration in C#:
private void OnClickShowResults(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
The type (void) precedes the name of the method, with no other keywords to indicate what we are
declaring—that’s obvious from the context. The same is also true for the parameters. The types of the
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
parameters are object and System.EventArgs. The object type in C# plays a similar role to Object
in Visual Basic—it indicates something for which we are choosing not to specify its type. However, the
C# object type is much more powerful than the Visual Basic Object. In C#, object also replaces VB’s
Variant data type. We’ll look at object later on. We won’t really cover System.EventArgs in any detail
in this appendix. It’s a .NET base class, and it has no equivalent in Visual Basic.
In the case of variables, the declaration syntax used in C# allows you to combine the declaration with the
setting of an initial value for the variable. In the code sample sngNumberInput is initialized to what
looks like a complicated expression, which we will explain shortly. To take two simpler examples:
int X = 10; // int is similar to Long in Visual Basic string
Message = “Hello World”; // string is similar to String in Visual Basic
While we are on the subject, we ought to mention a couple of other points about variables.
No suffixes in C#
Visual Basic allows you to attach suffixes to variables to indicate their data types, with $ for String, %
for Int, and & for Long:
Dim Message$ ‘ will be a string
This syntax is not supported in C#. Variable names may contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore
character, and you must always indicate the data type.
No default values for local variables
In the Visual Basic code sample, the variable sngNumberInput is assigned the default value of 0 when it
is declared. This is actually a waste of processor time since we immediately assign it a new value in the
next statement. C# is a little more performance-conscious and does not bother putting any default values
in local variables when they are declared. Instead, it requires that you always initialize such variables
yourself before you use them. The C# compiler will raise a compilation error if you attempt to read the
value in any local variable before you have set it.
Assigning values to variables
Assigning values to variables in C# is done with the same syntax as in VB. You simply put an = sign after
the variable name, followed by the value you are assigning to it. However, one point to watch out for is
that this is the only syntax used in C#. In some cases in Visual Basic we use Let, while for objects Visual
Basic always uses the Set keyword:
Set MyListBox = new ListBox
C# does not use a separate syntax for assigning to object references. The C# equivalent of the above is:
MyListBox = new ListBox();
Remember that in C#, variables are always assigned using the syntax
Appendix B
Now we come to look at what’s going on in the expression used to initialize the variable
sngNumberInput in the SquareRoot sample. The C# and Visual Basic examples are both doing exactly
the same thing: they grab the text from the txtNumber TextBox control; but the syntax is different:
sngNumberInput = CSng (Me.txtNumber.Text)
float NumberInput = float.Parse(this.txtNumber.Text);
Getting the value out of the TextBox controls is quite similar in both cases. The only difference here is the
syntax: Visual Basic uses the keyword Me while C# uses the keyword this, which has exactly the same
meaning (in fact, in C# you can omit this if you want, just as you can omit Me in Visual Basic). In C# we
could equally well have written:
float NumberInput = float.Parse(txtNumber.Text);
The more interesting part is how the string retrieved from the TextBox control is converted to a float
(or single), because this illustrates a fundamental point of the C# language, which we’ve hinted at earlier:
everything in C# is part of a class.
In Visual Basic, the conversion is carried out by a function, CSng. However, C# does not have functions
of the Visual Basic variety. C# is totally object-oriented and will only allow you to declare methods that
are part of a class.
In C#, the conversion from string to float is carried out by the Parse() method. However, because
Parse() is part of a class, it has to be preceded by the name of the class. The class against which we
need to call the Parse() method is float. Yes, I did say that right. Up until now we have treated float
as simply being the C# equivalent to the Visual Basic Single type. However, it is actually a class as well.
In C#, all data types are classes as well, which means even things like int, float, and string have
methods and properties that you can call (although we should point out that int and float are special
types of class known in C# as structs. The difference is not important for our code here, but we will
explain it later).
If you are looking really carefully at the code above, you might notice a slight apparent problem with the
analogy with Visual Basic class modules. In Visual Basic, you call methods by specifying the name of an
object, not the name of the class module, but we’ve called Parse by specifying the name of the class,
float, instead of the name of an object. Parse() is a special type of method known as a static method.
It has no equivalent in Visual Basic, and a static method can be called without creating an instance of a
class. Hence we specify the class name, float, rather than a variable name. By the way, static does
not have the same meaning in C# as it does in Visual Basic. There is no equivalent in C# to the Visual
Basic static variables—there is no need for these in the C# object-oriented programming methodology,
because you use C# fields in their stead.
Also, to be strictly accurate, we should point out that the name of the class is actually
System.Single, not float. System.Single is one of the .NET base classes, and C# uses the keyword
float to indicate this class.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
If Statements
Next we come to the main part of the event handler—the “If” statement. Recall that the Visual Basic version
looks like this:
If (sngNumberInput < text =" “Negative”" text =" CStr(Sqr(-sngNumberInput))" sngnumberinput =" 0)" text =" “Zero”" text =" “0”" text =" “Positive”" text =" CStr(Sqr(sngNumberInput))" text =" “Negative”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(-NumberInput).ToString()" numberinput ="="" text =" “Zero”;" text =" “0”;" text =" “Positive”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(NumberInput).ToString();" text =" Math.Sqrt(-NumberInput)" numberinput ="="" text =" “Zero”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(NumberInput).ToString();" numberinput ="="" symbol =" has" and ="="" text =" “Zero”;" text =" “0”;" text =" Math.Sqrt(-NumberInput).ToString()">
/// The main entry point for the application.
[STAThread] static void Main()
SquareRootForm TheMainForm = new SquareRootForm();
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
This doesn’t look at first sight like a very obvious program entry point, but it is. The rule in C# is that
program execution starts at a method called Main(). This method must be defined as a static method in
some class. There can normally be only one Main() method throughout all the classes in the source
code—otherwise the compiler won’t know which one to choose, without further compilation switches.
Main() here is defined as not taking any parameters and returning void (in other words, not returning
anything). This isn’t the only possible signature for the method, but it is the usual one for a Windows
application (command line applications may take parameters; these are any command line arguments
you specify).
Since Main() has to be in a class, we’ve put it in one: a class called MainEntryClass. Although this
class doesn’t contain anything else, it’s legitimate for a class that contains the main entry point to contain
other methods as well. The fact that Main() is a static method is important. Recall that we said earlier
that static methods can be run without actually creating an object of the class first. Since the very first
thing that happens when the program is run is that Main() is called, there aren’t yet any instances of
any classes, hence the entry point has to be static.
Apart from the static keyword, the definition of Main() looks much like the earlier method definition
we examined. However, it is prefixed by the word [STAThread] in square brackets. STAThread is an
example of an attribute—another concept that has no equivalent in Visual Basic source code.
An attribute is something that provides extra information to the compiler about some item in the code,
and always takes the form of a word (possibly with some parameters as well, though not in this case) in
square brackets, immediately before the item to which it applies. This particular attribute tells the compiler
about the threading model that the code needs to run in. Without going into details, note that writing
[STAThread] in the C# source code has a similar effect to selecting the threading model under
Project Properties in the Visual Basic IDE, although in Visual Basic you can only do this for ActiveX DLL
and ActiveX Control projects.
This comparison shows once again the different philosophy of C# compared to Visual Basic. In Visual
Basic, the threading model is there and needs to be specified, but it is all but hidden by the Visual Basic
IDE, so you can’t get to it in the Visual Basic source code—in Visual Basic you have to access it through
the project settings.
Instantiating Classes
Now let’s examine the code inside the Main() method. The first thing we need to do is create the form,
that is, instantiate a SquareRootForm object. This is dealt with by the first line of code:
SquareRootForm TheMainForm = new SquareRootForm();
We obviously can’t compare this with the corresponding Visual Basic code, since the corresponding
Visual Basic commands aren’t available as source code, but we can do a comparison—if we imagine that
in some Visual Basic code we are going to create a dialog box. In VB, the way you would do that would
look something like this:
Dim SomeDialog As MyDialogClass
Set SomeDialog = New MyDialogClass
Appendix B
In this Visual Basic code, we first declare a variable that is an object reference: SomeDialog refers to a
MyDialogClass instance. Then, we actually instantiate an object using the Visual Basic New keyword,
and set our variable to refer to it.
That’s exactly what is going on in the C# code too: we declare a variable called TheMainForm, which is a
reference to a SquareRootForm object, then we use the C# new keyword to create an instance of
SquareRootForm, and set our variable to refer to it. The main syntactical difference is that C# allows us
to combine both operations into one statement, in the same way that we were previously able to declare
and initialize the NumberInput variable in one go. Note also the parentheses after the new expression.
That is a requirement of C#. When creating objects, you always have to write these brackets in. The reason
is that C# treats creating an object a bit like a method call, to the extent that you can even pass
parameters into the call to new, to indicate how you want the new object to be initialized. In this case, we
don’t pass in any parameters, but we still need the parentheses.
C# classes
So far we’ve mentioned that C# classes are similar to class modules in Visual Basic. We’ve already seen
one difference in that C# classes allow static methods. The code for the Main() method above now highlights
another difference. If we were doing something like this in Visual Basic, we would also need to set
the object created to Nothing when we have finished with it. However, nothing like that appears in our
C# code, because in C# it is not necessary to do this. That’s because C# classes are more efficient and
lightweight than their Visual Basic counterparts. Visual Basic class objects are really COM objects, which
means they include some sophisticated code that checks how many references to the object are being
held, so that each object can destroy itself when it detects it is no longer needed. In Visual Basic, if you
don’t set your object reference to Nothing when you have finished with the object, this is considered
bad practice because it means the object does not know that it is no longer needed, so it can stay in memory,
possibly until the whole process ends.
However, for performance reasons, C# objects don’t perform this kind of checking. Instead, C# makes
use of the .NET garbage collection mechanism. What happens is that, instead of each object checking
whether it should still be alive, every so often the .NET runtime hands control to the garbage collector.
The garbage collector examines the state of memory, uses a very efficient algorithm to identify those
objects that are no longer referenced by your code, and removes them. Because of this mechanism, it is
not considered important that you reset references when you have finished with them—it is normally
sufficient to simply wait until the variable goes out of scope.
If, however, you do want to set reference variables not to refer to anything, then the relevant C# keyword
is null, which is identical to Nothing in Visual Basic. Hence where in Visual Basic you would write:
Set SomeDialog = Nothing
in C# you would write something like:
TheMainForm = null;
Note, however, that this by itself doesn’t achieve much in C# unless the variable TheMainForm still has a
substantial lifetime left, because the object won’t be destroyed until the garbage collector is called up.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
Entering the message loop
We will now consider the final statement in the Main() method:
This statement is the one that enters the message loop. What we are actually doing is calling a static
method of the class System.Windows.Forms.Application. The method in question is the Run()
method. This method handles the message loop. It puts the application (or strictly speaking, the thread)
to sleep and requests Windows to wake it up whenever an interesting event occurs. The Run() method
can take one parameter, which is a reference to the form that handles all events. Run() exits when an
event instructing the form to terminate has occurred and been handled.
After the Run() method has exited, there is nothing else to be done, so the Main() method returns. Since
this method was the entry point to the program, when it returns execution of the entire process stops.
One piece of syntax in the above statements that you might find surprising is that we use parentheses
when calling the Run() method, even though we are not using any return value from this method, and
hence we are doing the equivalent of calling a Visual Basic sub. In this situation, Visual Basic does not
require parentheses, but the rule is that in C# you always use parentheses when calling any method.
The SquareRootForm Class
We have now seen how C# enters a message loop, but we have not yet seen the process of displaying
and creating the form itself, and we have also been rather vague about the calling of the event handlers.
We have indicated that Windows calls event handlers, such as our OnClickButtonResults() method.
But how does Windows know that that is the method to be called? We can find the answers to those
questions in the SquareRootForm class definition, and in its base class, Form.
First we note that the SquareRootForm class has quite a number of member fields. (Member field is C#
parlance for a variable that is defined as a member of a class. You can think of it as being like a Visual
Basic variable that has form scope, or alternatively as being like a Visual Basic variable that is defined as
a member of a class module. Each such variable is associated with a particular instance of a class—a particular
object—and stays in scope for as long as its containing object remains alive.)
public class SquareRootForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtNumber;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtSign;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtResult;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button cmdShowResults;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label4;
Always use parentheses in C# when calling any method, whether or not you are
going to use any return value.
Appendix B
These fields each correspond to one of the controls. We can see clearly the three TextBox and the Button
controls, as well as the four Label controls, corresponding to the areas of text on the form. We won’t be
doing anything with the labels so we didn’t bother to give them more user-friendly names.
However, each of these variables is just a reference to an object, so the fact that these variables exist
doesn’t imply any instances of these objects exist—the objects have to be instantiated separately. The
process of instantiating these controls is done in a constructor. A constructor in C# is analogous to Visual
Basic subs such as Form_Load, Form_Initialize, and Class_Initialize. It is a special method that
is automatically called whenever an instance of the class is created, and it contains whatever code is
needed to initialize the instance.
We can spot the constructor in the class because a constructor always has the same name and casing as
the class itself. In this case we just look for a method called SquareRootForm:
public SquareRootForm()
Note that because this is a constructor, not a method, that you can call, it doesn’t have any return type
specified. It does, however, have parentheses after its name just like a method. You can use these parentheses
to specify parameters to be passed to the constructor (you can pass parameters in the parentheses
after the new clause when creating a variable). The definition of the constructor indicates if any parameters
are needed to create an instance of the object. However, we don’t have any parameters in this
example; we’ve included them in the Employee code sample later in the appendix.
In this case the constructor just calls a method, InitializeComponent(). This is because of Visual
Studio .NET. Visual Studio .NET has the same set of features as the Visual Basic IDE for manipulating
controls graphically—clicking to place controls on the form and so on. However, because now with C#
the definitions of all the controls are set out in the source code, Visual Studio .NET has to be able to read
the source code to find out what controls are around on your form. It does this by looking for an
InitializeComponent() method, and seeing what controls are instantiated there.
InitializeComponent() is a huge method, so we won’t look at it all, but it starts off like this:
private void InitializeComponent()
this.txtNumber = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.txtSign = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.cmdShowResults = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label4 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.txtResult = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
The previous code is a set of calls to actually instantiate all the controls on the form. This snippet doesn’t
really contain any new pieces of C# syntax. The next part of the code starts setting properties on the controls:
// txtNumber
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
this.txtNumber.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(160, 24);
this.txtNumber.Name = “txtNumber”;
this.txtNumber.TabIndex = 0;
this.txtNumber.Text = “”;
// txtSign
this.txtSign.Enabled = false;
this.txtSign.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(160, 136);
this.txtSign.Name = “txtSign”;
this.txtSign.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtSign.Text = “”;
This code sets up the start positions and initial text of two of the controls, the input TextBox control and
the TextBox control that displays the sign of the number input. One new bit of code is that the location
relative to the top left corner of the screen is specified using a Point. Point is a .NET base class (in fact,
a struct) that stores x and y coordinates. The syntax for the two lines above that set the Location is
instructive. The TextBox.Location property is just a reference to a Point, so in order to set it to a
value we need to create and initialize a Point object that holds the correct coordinates. This is the first
time that we’ve seen a constructor that takes parameters—in this case the horizontal and vertical coordinates
of the Point, and hence of the control. If we’d wanted to translate one of these lines into Visual
Basic, assuming we’d defined some Visual Basic class module called Point, and we had a class that had
such a property, the best we would be able to do would look something like this:
Dim Location As Point
Set Location = New Point
Location.X = 160
Location.Y = 24
SomeObject.Location = Location
Compare this to the C# code:
someObject.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(160, 24);
The relative compactness and readability of the equivalent C# statement should be obvious! Now we
will look at the same commands for the button. In this case, we see the same kinds of properties being
set up, but here there is one other thing that needs to be done: we need to tell Windows to call our event
handler when the button is clicked. The line that does this is shown in bold:
this.cmdShowResults.Name = “cmdShowResults”;
this.cmdShowResults.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(88, 23);
this.cmdShowResults.TabIndex = 3;
this.cmdShowResults.Text = “Show Results”;
this.cmdShowResults.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnClickShowResults);
Appendix B
What’s going on here is this: The button, which is referred to by the cmdShowResults button object,
contains an event, Click, that will be raised when the user clicks the button. We need to add our event
handler to this event. Now C# doesn’t allow us to pass names of methods around directly; instead we
have to wrap them up into something called a delegate. This is done to ensure type safety (see Chapter
6), and is the reason for the new System.EventHandler() text in the code. Once we’ve wrapped the
name of the event handler up, we add it to the event using an operator +=, which we will discuss next.
Arithmetic assignment operators
The += symbol represents what is known as the addition-assignment operator in C#. It provides a convenient
shorthand for cases where you want to add some quantity to another quantity. How it works is
this. Say, in Visual Basic you had declared two Integers, A and B, and you were going to write:
B = B + A
In C# the equivalent type is int, and you can write something very similar:
B = B + A;
However, in C#, there is an alternative shorthand for this:
B += A;
+= really means “add the expression on the right to the variable on the left”, and it works for all the
numeric data types, not just int. Not only that but there are other similar operators, *=, /=, and -=
which respectively multiply, divide, and subtract the quantity on the left by the one on the right. So for
example, to divide a number by 2, and assign the result back to B, you’d write:
B /= 2;
C# has other operators that represent bitwise operations, as well as % that takes the remainder on
division—and almost all of these have corresponding operation assignment operators (see Chapter 2).
In the SquareRootForm sample, we have simply applied the addition assignment operator to an event;
the line:
this.cmdShowResults.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnClickShowResults);
simply means “add this handler to the event.”
Note that operators like +, -, *, and so on in Visual Basic only have meaning when applied to numeric
data. In C#, however, they can be applied to any type of object.
The previous statement needs to be qualified a bit. In order to be able to apply these operators to other
types of object, you have to first tell the compiler what these operators mean for other types of objects—
a process known as operator overloading. Suppose you want to write a class that represented a mathematical
vector. In Visual Basic you write a class module, and then add:
Dim V1 As Vector
Set V1 = New Vector
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
In mathematics, it’s possible to add vectors, which is where operator overloading comes in. But Visual
Basic doesn’t support operator overloading, so instead in Visual Basic you’d probably define a method,
Add, on the Vector, so you could do this:
‘ V1, V2, and V3 are Vectors
Set V3 = V1.Add(V2)
In Visual Basic, that’s the best you can do. However, in C#, if you define a Vector class, you can add an
operator overload for + to it. The operator overload is basically a method that has the name operator +,
and which the compiler will call up if it sees + applied to a Vector. That means that in C# you are able
to write:
// V1, V2 and V3 are Vectors
V3 = V1 + V2;
In Chapter 5, we detail the code for overloading such a Vector class, and discuss operator overloading
in more detail.
Obviously you wouldn’t want to define operator overloads for all classes. For most classes that you
write, it wouldn’t make sense to do things like add or multiply objects together. However, for the classes
for which it does make sense to do this, operator overloads can go a long way towards making your
code easier to read. That’s what has happened with events. Because it makes sense to talk about adding
a handler to an event, an operator overload has been supplied to let us do this using the intuitive syntax
using the + (and +=) operators. You can also use – or -= to remove a handler from an event.
Summing up
We’ve really got as far as we can go with the SquareRootForm code samples. There is a lot more C# code
that we haven’t examined in the C# version of this application, but this extra code has largely to do with
setting up the various other controls on the form, and doesn’t introduce any new principles.
Up to now, you’ve got a flavor of the syntax of C#. We’ve seen how it lets you write statements in a way
that is often much shorter than the corresponding Visual Basic code. We have also seen the way that C#
places all the code in the source file, unlike Visual Basic, where much of the background code is hidden
from you—something that makes your code simpler at the cost of reducing your flexibility in the kinds
of applications you can write. We’ve also had our first hints at the concepts behind inheritance.
However, what we have not yet seen is a real example of some code that you can write in C#, where it
would be extremely hard to write Visual Basic code to achieve the same result. We are going to see an
example of this in the next code sample, in which we write a couple of classes that illustrate the kinds of
things we can do with inheritance.
Example: Employees and Managers
For this example, we are going to assume that we are writing an application that does some sort of processing
on data that pertains to company employees. We are not really going to worry about what sort of
processing this involves—we are more interested in the fact that this means it will be quite useful to
write a C# class (or a Visual Basic class module) that represents employees. We are assuming that this
will form part of a software package that we can sell to companies to help them with their salary payments
and so on.
Appendix B
The Visual Basic Employee Class Module
The following code represents our attempt to code an Employee class module in Visual Basic. The class
module exposes two public properties, EmployeeName and Salary, as well as a public method,
GetMonthlyPayment, that returns the amount the company needs to pay the employee each month.
This isn’t the same as the salary, partly because the salary is assumed to be the salary per year, and
partly because later on we want to allow for the possibility of adding more money to what the company
pays its employees (such as performance-related bonuses):
‘local variable(s) to hold property value(s)
Private mStrEmployeeName As String ‘local copy
Private mCurSalary As Currency ‘local copy
Public Property Let Salary(ByVal curData As Currency)
mCurSalary = curData
End Property
Public Property Get Salary() As Currency
Salary = mCurSalary
End Property
Public Property Get EmployeeName() As String
EmployeeName = mStrEmployeeName
End Property
Public Sub Create(sEmployeeName As String, curSalary As Currency)
mStrEmployeeName = sEmployeeName
mCurSalary = curSalary
End Sub
Public Function GetMonthlyPayment() As Currency
GetMonthlyPayment = mCurSalary/12
End Function
In real life we’d probably be writing something more complex than this, but this class suffices for our
purpose. In fact, we already have a problem with this Visual Basic class module. Most people’s names
do not change very often, which is why we have made the EmployeeName property read-only. That still
requires us to set up the name in the first place. This is done using a Create method, which sets the
name and the salary. That means that the process of creating an employee object looks like this:
Dim Britney As Employee
Set Britney = New Employee
Britney.Create “Britney Spears”, 20000
This is workable but messy. The problem is that we have to write a separate initialization method,
Create, instead, and hope that everyone writing client code will always remember to call it. This
solution is awkward, because it doesn’t make any sense to have an Employee object lying around that
doesn’t have a name and a salary set. However, that is exactly what we have in the above code for the
brief instant between instantiating Britney and initializing the object in the code above. As long as you
always remember to call Create, you won’t run into any problems, but there is a potential source of
bugs here.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
In C# the situation is completely different. In C# we are able to supply parameters to constructors. All
we need to do is make sure that when we define our C# Employee class, the constructor takes the name
and salary as parameters. Then we can write:
Employee Britney = new Employee(“Britney Spears”, 20000.00M);
This is a lot neater and less prone to bugs. Of course, we could overload the constructor to only supply a
name, for example. By the way, note the ‘M’ appended to the salary. This is because the C# equivalent to
the Visual Basic Currency type is called decimal, and ‘M’ appended to a number in C# indicates we
want the number interpreted as a decimal. We don’t have to supply it, but it makes for a useful extra
compile-time check.
The C# Employee class
We can now present our first definition of the C# version of Employee (note that this example only
shows the class definition, not the containing namespace definition):
class Employee
private readonly string name;
private decimal salary;
public Employee(string name, decimal salary)
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
public string Name
return name;
public virtual decimal Salary
return salary;
salary = value;
public decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return salary/12;
Appendix B
public override string ToString()
return “Name: “ + name + “, Salary: $” + salary.ToString();
Working through this code, we first see a couple of private variables, the so-called member fields corresponding
to the member variables in the Visual Basic class module. The field name is marked readonly.
Roughly speaking, this ensures that this field must be set when an Employee object is created and cannot
subsequently be modified. In C# it isn’t usual to use Hungarian notation for the names of variables,
so they are called simply name and salary, rather than mStrEmployeeName and mCurSalary.
(Hungarian notation means that we prefix the names of variables with some letters that indicate their
type [mStr, mCur and so on]. This type of notation is not considered as important nowadays because editors
are more sophisticated and can supply automatic information about data types. Hence, the recommendation
is not to use Hungarian notation in C# programs.)
Our Employee class also contains a constructor, a couple of properties (Name and Salary), and two
methods (GetMonthlyPayment() and ToString()). We discuss all of these next.
Note that the names of the properties Name and Salary differ only in case from the names of their corresponding
fields. This isn’t a problem, because C# is case-sensitive. The way we’ve named the properties
and fields here corresponds to the usual convention in C# and shows how we can actually take
advantage of case sensitivity.
The Employee constructor
Following the field declarations in the previous code, we have a “method” that has the same name as the
class, Employee. This tells us that it is a constructor. However, this constructor takes parameters and
does the same thing as the Create method in the Visual Basic version. It uses the parameters to initialize
the member fields:
public Employee(string name, decimal salary)
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
There’s a potential syntax problem, because the obvious names for the parameters are the same as the
names of the fields: name and salary. But we’ve resolved this problem using the this reference to
mark the fields. We could have given the parameters different names instead, but the way we’ve done it
is still clear enough and means that the parameters keep the simple names that correspond to their
meanings. It’s also the conventional way of dealing with this situation in C#.
We can now explain the precise meaning of the readonly qualifier on the name field:
private readonly string name;
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
If a field is marked as readonly then the only place in which it may be assigned to is in the constructor
to the class. The compiler will raise an error if it finds any code in which we attempt to modify the value
of a readonly variable anywhere except in a constructor. This provides a very good way of guaranteeing
that a variable cannot be modified after it has been set. It wouldn’t be possible to do anything like
this in Visual Basic because Visual Basic doesn’t have constructors that take parameters, so class-level
variables in Visual Basic have to be initialized via methods or properties that are called after the object
has been instantiated.
Incidentally, this constructor doesn’t just allow us to supply parameters to initialize an Employee object:
it actually forces us to do so. If we tried to write the following code, it would not compile:
Employee Britney = new Employee(); // will not compile now
The compiler would raise an error because, in C#, a constructor must always be called when a new
object is created. However, we have not supplied any parameters, and the only constructor available
requires two parameters. Therefore, it is simply not possible to create an Employee object without supplying
any parameters. This provides a good guarantee against bugs caused by uninitialized Employee
It is possible to supply more than one constructor to a class so that you get a choice of what sets of
parameters you want to pass in when you create a new object of that class. We’ll see how to do this later
in the chapter. However, for this particular class, our one constructor is quite adequate.
Properties of Employee
We next come to the properties Name and Salary. The C# syntax for declaring a property is very different
from the corresponding Visual Basic syntax, but the basic principles are unchanged. We need to
define two accessors to respectively get and set the values of the property. In Visual Basic, these are syntactically
treated like methods, but in C# we declare the property as a whole, then define the accessors
within the definition of the property:
public decimal Salary
return salary;
salary = value;
In Visual Basic, the compiler knows that we are defining a property, because we use the keyword
Property. In C# this information is conveyed by the fact that the name of the property is followed
immediately by an opening brace. If we were defining a method, this would be an opening parenthesis
signaling the start of the parameter list; in the case of a field, this would be a semicolon, marking the end
of the definition.
Appendix B
Note also that the definitions of the get and set accessors do not contain any parameter lists. That’s
because we know that Salary is a decimal and that the get accessor will return a decimal and take no
parameters, while the set accessor will take one decimal parameter and return void. For the set
accessor, this parameter is not explicitly declared, but the compiler always interprets the word value as
referring to it.
Once again, the syntax for defining properties shows how C# syntax is more compact, and can save you
a fair bit of typing!
If you want to make a property read-only, you simply omit the set accessor, as we have done for the
Name property:
public string Name
return name;
Methods of Employee
Our example also includes two methods: GetMonthlySalary() and ToString().
GetMonthlySalary() requires little explanation, since we have covered most of the relevant C# syntax
already. It simply takes the salary and divides it by 12 to convert it from an annual to a monthly salary,
and returns the result:
public decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return salary/12;
The only new piece of syntax here is the return statement. In Visual Basic, we specify a return value
from a method by setting a dummy variable that has the same name as the function to the required
GetMonthlyPayment = mCurSalary/12
In C#, we achieve the same result by appending a parameter to a return statement (without parentheses).
return in C# also specifies that we are exiting from the function, so the C# statement:
return salary/12;
is actually equivalent to the following Visual Basic code:
GetMonthlyPayment = mCurSalary/12
Exit Function
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
ToString() is slightly more interesting. In most cases, when you write a C# class, it is a good idea to
write a ToString() method that can be used to get a quick view of the contents of an object. As mentioned
before, ToString() is already available because all classes inherit it from System.Object.
However, the version in System.Object simply displays the name of the class, not any data in the class
instance. Microsoft has already overridden this method for all the numeric data types (int, float, and so
on) to display the actual value of the variable, and it’s quite useful for us to do the same in our classes. If
nothing else, it can be a useful way of seeing the contents of an object when you are debugging:
public override string ToString()
return “Name: “ + name + “, Salary: $” + salary.ToString();
Our override here simply displays the name and the salary of the employee. One new piece of syntax is
that we have declared the method as override. C# requires that you mark method overrides in this way;
it will raise a compilation error if you don’t. This eliminates the risk of any potential bugs that might lead
you, for example, to override accidentally an existing method by that name without realizing it.
We have now completed writing the Employee class in both Visual Basic and C#, and so far, although
there is a bit of awkwardness about constructing and initializing an Employee instance in the Visual Basic
version, both languages have coped reasonably well with our requirements. However, one of the aims of
this appendix is to show you why C# can be so much more powerful than Visual Basic in some situations.
So it’s about time we started demonstrating some useful C# code where it would be very difficult if not
impossible to achieve the same result using Visual Basic. Let’s start with a static field and property.
Static Members
We have mentioned a few times that in C# classes can have special methods referred to as static methods,
which can be called without instantiating any objects. These methods do not have any counterpart
in VB. In fact, not only methods, but also fields, properties, or any other class member can be static.
To illustrate how static members work and why you would use them, imagine that we would like our
Employee class to support retrieving the name of the company that each employee works for. Now there is
an important difference here between the company name and the employee name, in that each employee
object represents a different employee, and therefore needs to store a different employee’s name. This is the
usual behavior for variables in class modules in Visual Basic, and the default behavior for fields in C#.
However, if your organization has just purchased the software that contains the Employee class, obviously
all of the employees will have the same company name. This means that it would be wasteful to store the
company name separately for each employee. You’d just be duplicating the string unnecessarily. Instead,
what we want is just to store the company name once, and then have every employee object access the
same data. This is how a static field works. Let’s declare a static field, companyName:
class Employee
private string name;
private decimal salary;
private static readonly string companyName;
The term static has a very different meaning in C# from its meaning in Visual Basic.
Appendix B
In this code, we have simply declared another field, but by marking it as static we have instructed the
compiler to store this variable only once, no matter how many Employee objects are created. In a real
sense, this static field is associated with the class as a whole, rather than with any one object.
We have also declared this field as read-only. This makes sense because, like the employee’s name, the
company name should not be changed when the program is running.
Of course, merely declaring this field isn’t enough. We also need to make sure it is initialized with the
correct data. Where should we do that? Not in our constructor; the constructor is called every time we
create an Employee object, whereas we only want to initialize companyName once. The answer is that C#
provides another construct for this purpose, known as the static constructor. The static constructor acts
like any other constructor, but it works for the class as a whole, not for any particular object. If you
define a static constructor for a class, then it will be executed just once. As a rule, it will execute before
any client code attempts to access the class, typically when the program first starts up. Let’s add a static
constructor to the Employee class:
static Employee()
companyName = “Wrox Press Pop Stars”;
As usual, we identify the constructor because it has the same name as the class. This one is also identified
as static, hence it is the static constructor. It is marked neither as public nor as private because
it is called by the .NET runtime, not by any other C# code. So, just for the static constructor, we don’t
need any access modifier.
In our example, we have implemented the static constructor by hard-coding in a company name. More
realistically, we might read a registry entry or a file, or connect to a database to find out the company
name. Incidentally, because the companyName field has been declared as both static and read-only, the
static constructor is the only place in which we can legally assign a value to it. We have one last thing to
do, which is to define a public property that lets us access the company name.
public static string CompanyName
return companyName;
The CompanyName property has also been declared as static, and we can now see the real significance of
a static method or property: a method or property can be declared as static if it accesses only static fields
and does not access any data that is associated with a particular object.
As we have already seen, the syntax for calling static members of the class from outside the class is
slightly different from that used for other members. Because a static member is associated with the class
rather than with any object, we use the class name rather than the name of a variable to call it:
string Company = Employee.CompanyName;
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
The concept of static members is very powerful, and provides a very useful means for a class to implement
any functionality that is the same for every object of that class. The only way that you can achieve
anything like this in Visual Basic is by defining global variables. The disadvantage of global variables is
that they are not associated with any particular class, and this can lead to name conflict issues.
Here are two more situations in which you might use static class members:
❑ You might choose to implement a MaximumLength property for our Employee class, or for that
matter for any other class that contains a name, where you might need to specify the maximum
length of the name.
❑ In C#, most of the numeric data types have static properties that indicate their maximum possible
values. For example, in order to find out the biggest values that can be stored in an int and
a float, you could write:
int MaxIntValue = int.MaxValue;
float MaxFloatValue = float.MaxValue;
In this section we take a closer look at how implementation inheritance works. Suppose that a year after
we have shipped our software package it’s time for the next version. One point that our customers have
commented on is that some of their employees are actually managers, and managers usually get profitrelated
bonuses as well as regular salaries. This means that our GetMonthlyPayment() method doesn’t
give the complete information for managers. The practical upshot of this is that there we have to have
some way of dealing with managers, too.
For the purposes of our example we assume that the bonus is some constant figure, that can be specified
when we create a manager. We don’t want to get bogged down in doing profit-related calculations here.
If we were coding in Visual Basic, how would we set about upgrading our software? There are two possible
approaches; both of them have severe disadvantages:
❑ We could write a new class, Manager.
❑ We could modify the Employee class.
Writing a new class is probably the approach that would result in the least amount of work for us, since
we’d probably start by simply copying and pasting all the code for the Employee class module and then
modifying our copy of the code. The trouble is that Employee and Manager have an awful lot of code in
common, such as the code surrounding the Name, CompanyName, and Salary properties. Having the
same code duplicated is dangerous. What happens if, at some point in the future, you need to modify
the code. Some poor developer is going to have to remember to make exactly the same changes to both
classes. That is just asking for bugs to creep in. Another problem is that there are now two unrelated
classes that client code will have to deal with, which is likely to make it harder for the people writing the
code that uses Employee and Manager. (Although you could get around this by wrapping the common
properties into an interface and having both Employee and Manager implement this interface.)
Appendix B
A slightly different alternative is to write a Manager class, and put an Employee object inside it as a
class-scoped variable. This solves the problem of duplicating code, but still leaves us with two separate
objects, as well as an awkward, indirect, syntax for calling employee methods and properties (for example,
If we opt for modifying the Employee class module, then we could, for example, add an extra field, a
Boolean, that indicates whether this Employee is a manager or not. Then, at relevant parts of the code,
we would test this Boolean in an If statement, to check what to do. This solves the problem of having
two unrelated classes. However, it introduces a new difficulty: As mentioned earlier, we decide a year or
so later to add manager support. This means that the Employee class module has presumably been
shipped, tested, fully debugged, and is known to be working correctly. Do we really want to have to
dive in and start pulling working code to bits, with all the associated risk of introducing new bugs?
In short, we have reached a point at which Visual Basic can not offer any satisfactory solutions. Enter C#,
which does offer a way out of this quandary, through inheritance.
As mentioned earlier, inheritance involves adding or replacing features of classes. In our previous example,
the SquareRootForm class added stuff to the .NET class, System.Windows.Forms.Form. It defined
the controls to go on the SquareRootForm as member fields, and also added an event handler. In the
Employee example we are going to demonstrate both adding and replacing features of a base class. We
will define a Manager class, which is derived from Employee. We will add a field and property that represent
the bonus, and replace the GetMonthlyPayment() method (for completeness, we’ll also replace
ToString() so that it displays the bonus as well as the name and salary). This all means that we will
have a separate class. But we do not need to duplicate any code, nor do we need to make any big
changes to the Employee class either. You might think that we still have a problem of two different
classes—which makes it more difficult to write client code. However, C# provides a solution for this
problem as well.
Inheriting from the Employee Class
Before we define the Manager class we need to make one small change to Employee—we have to declare
the GetMonthlyPayment() method as virtual:
public virtual decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return salary/12;
Roughly speaking, this is the C# way of saying that this is a method that in principle can be overridden.
You might think that this means we are changing the base class, which invalidates our argument about
not needing to change the base class. However, adding a virtual keyword isn’t really the sort of major
change that carries a risk of new bugs—with the Visual Basic approach we were going to have to actually
rewrite the implementations of several methods. Besides, usually when you write classes in C#, you
plan in advance for the methods that are suitable candidates for overriding. If this was a real-life example,
GetMonthlyPayment() would almost certainly have been declared virtual in the first place, so
then we really would have been able to add the Manager class without making any changes to the
Employee class.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
The Manager Class
We can now define the Manager class:
class Manager : Employee
private decimal bonus;
public Manager(string name, decimal salary, decimal bonus): base(name, salary)
this.bonus = bonus;
public Manager(string name, decimal salary): this(name, salary, 100000M)
public decimal Bonus
return bonus;
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + “, bonus: “ + bonus;
public override decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return base.GetMonthlyPayment() + bonus/12;
Besides the near-complete implementation of the Employee class that we have inherited, Manager contains
the following members:
❑ A field, bonus, that will be used to store the manager’s bonus, and a corresponding property,
❑ The overloaded GetMonthlyPayment() method, as well as a new overload of ToString()
❑ Two constructors
The bonus field and corresponding Bonus property shouldn’t need any further discussion. However, we
will look in detail at the overridden methods and the new constructors, because they illustrate important
C# language features.
Appendix B
Method Overrides
Our override of GetMonthlyPayment() is reasonably simple. Notice that we have marked it with the
keyword override to tell the compiler that we are overriding a base class method, as we did with
public override decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return base.GetMonthlyPayment() + bonus/12;
Our override also contains a call to the base-class version of this method. This method uses a new keyword,
base. base works in the same way as our override, except that it indicates that we want to grab a
method, or property, from the definition in the base class. Alternatively, we could have implemented our
override of GetMonthlyPayment() like this:
public override decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return (Salary + bonus)/12;
However, we can not use this code:
public override decimal GetMonthlyPayment()
return (salary + bonus)/12; // wrong
This code looks almost exactly like the previous version, except that we are hitting the salary field
directly instead of going through the Salary property. You might think that this looks like a more efficient
solution, because we are saving what is effectively a method call. The trouble is that the compiler
will raise an error because the salary field has been declared as private. That means that nothing outside
the Employee class is allowed to see this field. Even derived classes are not aware of private fields
in base classes.
If you do want derived classes to be able to see a field, but not unrelated classes, C# provides an alternative
level of protection, protected:
protected decimal salary; // we could have done this
If a member of a class is declared as protected then it is visible only in that class and in derived classes.
However, in general, you are strongly advised to keep all fields private for exactly the same reason that
you are advised to keep variables private in Visual Basic class modules: by hiding the implementation of
a class (or class module) you are making it easier to carry out future maintenance of that class. Usually,
you will use the protected modifier for properties and methods that are intended purely to allow
derived classes access to certain features of the base class definition.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
The Manager Constructors
We need to add at least one constructor to the Manager class for two reasons:
❑ There is now an extra piece of information, the manager’s bonus, which we need to specify
when we create a Manager instance.
❑ Unlike methods, properties, and fields, constructors are not inherited by derived classes.
In fact, we have added two constructors. This is because we have decided to assume that the manager’s
bonus normally defaults to $100,000 if it is not explicitly specified. In Visual Basic we can specify default
parameters to methods, but C# does not allow us to do this directly. Instead, C# offers a more powerful
technique that can achieve the same effect, method overloads. Defining two constructors here will allow us
to illustrate this technique.
The first Manager constructor takes three parameters:
public Manager(string name, decimal salary, decimal bonus) : base(name, salary)
this.bonus = bonus;
The first thing we notice about this constructor is a call to the base class constructor using a slightly
strange syntax. The syntax is known as a constructor initializer. What happens is that any constructor is
allowed to call one other constructor before it executes. This call is made in a constructor initializer with
the syntax shown above. It is permitted for a constructor to call either another constructor in the same
class, or a constructor in the base class. This might sound restrictive, but it is done for good reasons in
terms of imposing a well-designed architecture on the constructors. These issues are discussed in
Chapter 3. The syntax for the constructor initializer requires a colon, followed by one of the keywords
base or this to specify the class from which we are calling the second constructor, followed by the
parameters we are passing on to the second constructor.
The constructor shown above takes three parameters. However, two of these parameters, name and
salary, are really there in order to initialize base class fields in Employee. These parameters are the
responsibility of the Employee class rather than the Manager class, so what we do is simply pass them
on to the Employee constructor for it to deal with—that’s what the call to base(name, salary)
achieves. And as we saw earlier, the Employee constructor will simply use these parameters to initialize
the name and salary fields. Finally, we take the bonus parameter, which is the responsibility of the
Manager class, and use it to initialize the bonus field. The second Manager constructor that we’ve supplied
also uses a constructor initialization list:
public Manager(string name, decimal salary) : this(name, salary, 100000M)
In this case, what is happening is that we set up the value of the default parameter, and then pass everything
on to the three-parameter constructor. The three-parameter constructor, in turn, calls the base class
Appendix B
constructor to deal with the name and salary parameters. You might wonder why we haven’t used the
following alternative way of implementing the two-parameter constructor:
public Manager(string name, decimal salary,) : base(name, salary) // not so good
this.bonus = 100000M;
The reason is that this involves some potential duplication of code. The two constructors each separately
initialize the bonus field, and this might cause problems in the future in terms of both constructors needing
separately to be modified if for example, in some future version of Manager we change how we store
the bonus. In general, in C# just as in any programming language, you should avoid duplicating code if
you can. For this reason, the previous implementation of the two-parameter constructor is preferred.
Method Overloading
The fact that we have supplied two constructors for the Manager class illustrates the principle of method
overloading in C#. Method overloading occurs when a class has more than one method of the same
name, but different numbers of parameters. In the case of method overloading, the same principles
apply as in constructor overloading.
Don’t confuse the terms method overloading and method overriding. Despite the similar names, they are
different, and completely unrelated, concepts!
When the compiler encounters a call to a method that has been overloaded, it examines the parameters
you are attempting to pass in, in order to figure out which method is the one to call. In the case of creating
a Manager object, since one constructor takes three parameters and the other only takes two, the
compiler examines the number of parameters first. Hence if you write:
Manager SomeManager = new Manager(“Name”, 300000.00M);
the compiler will arrange for a Manager object to be instantiated, with the two-parameter constructor
being used, which means that the bonus will be given its default value of 100000M. If, on the other hand,
you write this:
Manager SomeManager = new Manager (“Name”, 300000.00M, 50000.00M);
the compiler will arrange for the three-parameter constructor to be called, so bonus will now be given
the specified value of 50000.00M. If there are several overloads available, but the compiler is unable to
find one that is suitable, it will raise a compilation error. For example, if you wrote:
Manager SomeManager = new Manager (100, 300000.00M, 50000.00M); // wrong
you would get a compilation error because both of the available Manager constructors require a string,
and not a numeric type, as the first parameter. The C# compiler can arrange for some type conversions
between the different numeric types to be done automatically, but it will not convert automatically from
a numeric value to a string.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
Note that C# does not allow methods to take default parameters in the way Visual Basic does. However,
it is very easy to achieve the same effect using method overloads, as we have done in this example. The
usual way is simply to have the overloads with fewer parameters supply default values for the remaining
parameters and then call the other overloads.
Using the Employee and Manager Classes
Now that we have completed defining the Employee and Manager classes, we can write some code that
uses them. In fact, if you download the source code for this project from the Wrox Press Web site
(www.wrox.com), you will find that we defined these two classes as part of a standard Windows Forms
project, quite similar to the SquareRoot sample. In this case, however, the main form has only one control,
a list box. We use the constructor of the main form class (MainForm) to instantiate a couple of
instances of Employee and Manager objects, and then display data for these objects in the list box.
Figure B-3 shows the results of this operation.
Figure B-3
The code used to generate these results is this:
public MainForm()
Employee Britney = new Employee(“Britney Spears”, 20000.00M);
Employee Elton = new Manager(“Elton John”, 50000.00M);
Manager Ginger = new Manager(“Geri Halliwell”, 50000.00M, 20000.00M);
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s name is $” + Elton.Name);
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s salary is $” + Elton.Salary);
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s bonus is “ + ((Manager)Elton).Bonus);
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s monthly payment is $” +
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s company is “ + Employee.CompanyName);
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton.ToString(): “ + Elton.ToString());
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Britney.ToString(): “ + Britney.ToString());
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Ginger.ToString(): “ + Ginger.ToString());
Appendix B
This code should be self-explanatory, based on the C# that you have learned up to now, apart from one
little oddity—one of the Manager objects, Elton, is being referred to by an Employee reference instead of
a Manager reference. How does this work? Keep reading.
References to Derived Classes
Let’s have a closer look at the Manager class that is referenced by a variable declared as a reference to
Employee Elton = new Manager(“Elton John”, 50000.00M);
This is perfectly legal C# syntax. The rule is quite simple: if you declare a reference to a type B, then that reference
is permitted to refer to instances of B or to instances of any class derived from B. This works because
any class derived from B must also implement any methods or properties and so on that B implements. So
in the previous example, we call Elton.Name, Elton.Salary, and Elton.GetMonthlyPayment().The
fact that Employee implements all these members guarantees that any class derived from Employee will
do the same. So it doesn’t matter if a reference points to a derived class—we can still use the reference to
call up any member of the class the reference is defined as and be confident that that method exists in the
derived class.
On the other hand, notice the syntax that we use when we call the Bonus property against Elton:
((Manager)Elton).Bonus. In this case, we need to convert Elton to a Manager reference, because
Bonus is not implemented by Employee. The compiler knows this and would raise a compilation error if
we tried to call Bonus through an Employee reference. That line of code is a shorthand for writing:
Manager ManagerElton = (Manager) Elton;
this.listBox1.Items.Add(“Elton’s bonus is “ + ManagerElton.Bonus);
As in Visual Basic, conversion between data types in C# is known as casting. We can see from the previous
code that the syntax for casting involves placing the name of the destination data type in parentheses
before the name of the variable we are attempting to cast. Of course, the object being referred to must
be of the correct type in the first place. If we wrote:
Manager ManagerBritney = (Manager) Britney;
the code would compile correctly, but when we ran it, we would get an error, because the .NET runtime
would see that Britney is just an Employee instance, not a Manager instance. References are permitted
to refer to instances of derived classes, but not to instances of base classes of their native type. It’s not
permitted for a Manager reference to refer to an Employee object. (We can’t permit it because if we did,
what would happen if we attempted to call the Bonus property through such a reference?)
Because Visual Basic doesn’t support implementation inheritance, there is no direct parallel in Visual
Basic for C#’s support for references referring to objects of derived classes. However, there is some similarity
with the fact that in Visual Basic you can declare an interface reference, and then it does not matter
what type of object that interface refers to, as long as the object in question implements that interface. If
we were coding the Employee and Manager classes in Visual Basic, we might as well have done so by
defining an IEmployee interface that both class modules implement, and then access the Employer
features through this interface.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
Arrays of Objects
One important benefit of being able to have references refer to derived class instances is that we can
form arrays of object references, where the different objects in the array might be of different types. This
is analogous to the situation in Visual Basic where we could form arrays of interface references and not
care about the fact that these interface references might be implemented by completely different classes
of objects.
In order to see how C# deals with arrays, we will rewrite the test harness code for the Employee and
Manager classes so that it forms an array of object references. You can download the revised code,
called EmployeeManagerWithArrays, from the Wrox Press Web site (www.wrox.com). The new code
looks like this:
public MainForm()
Employee Britney = new Employee(“Britney Spears”, 20000.00M);
Employee Elton = new Manager(“Elton John”, 50000.00M);
Manager Ginger = new Manager(“Geri Halliwell”, 50000.00M, 20000.00M);
Employee [] Employees = new Employee[3];
Employees[0] = Britney;
Employees[1] = Elton;
Employees[2] = Ginger;
for (int I=0 ; I<3 ; I++)
We simply call up the Name property and the ToString() method of each element of the array. Figure
B-4 shows the results of running this code.
Figure B-4
Appendix B
From Figure B-4 we can see that C# uses square brackets for dealing with arrays. This means that, unlike
in Visual Basic, there is no danger of any confusion about whether we’re talking about an array or a
method or function call. The syntax for declaring an array looks like this:
Employee [] Employees = new Employee[3];
As you can see, we declare an array of variables of a certain type by putting square brackets after the
name of the type. An array in C# always counts as a reference object (even if its elements are simple
types like int or double) so there are actually two stages: declaring the reference, and instantiating the
array. To make this clearer we could have split up the previous line of code like this:
Employee [] Employees;
Employees = new Employee[3];
There is no difference between what we’re doing here and how we instantiate objects, except that we are
using square brackets to indicate that this is an array. Also note that the size of the array is established
when we instantiate the object—the reference itself doesn’t contain details of the size of the array—only
its dimension. The dimension is specified by commas in the array declaration. For example, if we want
to declare a two-dimensional, 3x4 array of doubles, we write this:
double [,] DoubleArray = new double[3,4];
When we have the array, we simply assign values to its elements in the usual way.
In Visual Basic you have the option to change this behavior to element 1 using the Option Base statement.
You can also specify lower boundaries for any array. But this feature doesn’t really add any benefits,
and it can impact performance, because it means that whenever you access an element in an array in
Visual Basic, the code has to do some extra checking to find out what of the lower bound of that array is
for this collection. C# does not support changing the base of an array in this way.
In the previous code, once we have initialized the elements of the array, we just loop through them. If
the “strange-looking” syntax of the for loop worries you, hang in there—we’ll come back to it shortly.
Note that because the array has been declared as an array of Employee, we can only access those members
of each object that are defined for the Employee class. If we wanted to access the Bonus property of
any object in the array, we first would have to cast the corresponding reference to a Manager reference,
which would mean checking whether the object is a Manager object. That is not difficult to do, but is
beyond the scope of this appendix.
Although we are using Employee references, we do always pick up the correct version of ToString().
If the object we’re referring to is a Manager object, then, when we call ToString(), the version of
ToString() defined in the Manager class is the one that is executed for that object. That is the beauty
of overriding methods in C#. You can replace some method in the derived class, and know that no matter
through which reference type this object is accessed, you will always run the correct method for that
Note that one difference between C# and Visual Basic is that arrays in C# always
start at element 0.
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
The for Loop
Now let’s discuss the for loop, introduced in the previous code snippet. What we have here is the C#
equivalent of this Visual Basic code:
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 3
listBox1.Items.Add “Details of the Employee”
The idea of the For loop in Visual Basic is that you start off by initializing a variable, called the loop control
variable, and each time you go round the loop, you add something to the loop control variable until it
exceeds a final value. This is quite useful, but gives you almost no flexibility in how the loop works.
Although you can change the value of the increment, or even make the increment negative, by using the
Step facility, the loop always works by counting, and the test of whether the loop exits is always
whether the variable has reached a preset minimum or maximum value.
In C# the for loop generalizes this concept. The basic idea of the for loop in C# is this: At the beginning
of the loop you do something, at each step of the loop you do something else in order to move to the
next iteration, and in order to determine when to exit from the loop, you perform some test. The following
table provides a comparison between the Visual Basic and C# versions of this loop.
Loop Visual Basic C#
At start of loop... Initialize the loop control variable. Do something.
To test whether to exit loop... Check whether the loop control Test some condition.
variable has reached a certain value.
At end of each iteration... Increment the loop control variable. Do something.
This might look a bit vague, but it does give you a lot of flexibility! For example, in C#, instead of adding a
quantity to the loop control variable at each iteration, you might multiply its value by some number. Or
instead of adding on a fixed amount you might add some number that you’ve read in from a file and which
changes with each iteration. The test doesn’t have to be a test of the value of the loop control variable. It
could be a test of whether you have reached the end of the file. What this adds up to is that, by a suitable
choice of the start action, test, and action at the end of each iteration, the for loop can effectively perform the
same task as any of the other loops in Visual Basic (For, For Each, Do, and While). Alternatively the loop
can work in some manner for which there is no simple equivalent in Visual Basic. The C# for loop really
gives you complete freedom to control the loop in whatever manner is appropriate for the task at hand.
We should point out, however, that C# also does support foreach, do, and while loops.
Now let’s look at the syntax. The C# version of the previous for loop looks like this:
for (int I=0 ; I<3 ; I++)
Appendix B
As you can see, the for statement itself takes three different items inside its parentheses. These items are
separated by semicolons:
❑ The first item is the action that is performed right at the start of the loop in order to initialize the
loop. In this case we declare and initialize the loop control variable.
❑ The next item is the condition that will be evaluated to determine whether the loop should exit.
In this case our condition is that I must be less than 3. The loop continues as long as this condition
is true and exits as soon as the condition evaluates to false. The condition will be evaluated
at the beginning of each iteration, so that if it turns out to be false right at the start, the
statement inside the loop does not get executed at all.
❑ In the third item is the statement that is executed at the end of each iteration of the loop. Visual
Basic loops always work by incrementing some number.
Even though the syntax looks unfamiliar, once you’ve familiarized yourself with it, you can use the for
loop in very powerful ways. For example, if you want to display all the integer powers of 2 that are less
than 4000 in a list box, you can write this:
for (int I = 2 ; I<4000 ; I*=2)
You can achieve the same result in Visual Basic, but it wouldn’t be as easy; for this particular example,
you might want to opt for a while loop in Visual Basic.
Other C# Features
We have now completed examining the code samples. The remainder of his appendix will briefly examine
a couple of features of C# that you need to be aware of when making the transition from Visual Basic
to C#, and which we haven’t yet discussed; in particular some of the C# concepts relating to data types
and operators.
Data Types
As we have indicated, the data types available in C# do differ in detail from those available in Visual
Basic. Furthermore, all C# data types have features that you would normally associate with an object.
For example, every type, even simple types such as int and float, supports the calling of methods.
(Incidentally, this feature does not cause any loss of performance.)
Although the types available in C# are slightly different from Visual Basic types, most of the types that
you are familiar with in Visual Basic do have equivalents in C#. For example, the Visual Basic Double
type translates to double in C#; The C# equivalent of the Date type is the.NET base class, DateTime,
which implements a huge number of methods and properties to allow you to extract or set the date
using different formats.
One exception, however, is Variant, for which there is no equivalent in C#. The Variant type is a very
generic type, which to some extent exists only in order to support scripting languages that are not aware
of any other data types. The philosophy of C#, however, is that the language is strongly typed. The idea is
that if, at each point in the program, you have to indicate the data type you are referring to, at least one
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
major source of runtime bugs is eliminated. Because of this, a Variant type isn’t really appropriate to C#.
However, there are still some situations in which you do need to refer to a variable without indicating
what type that variable is, and for those cases C# does have the object type. C#’s object is analogous to
Object in Visual Basic. However, Object specifically refers to a COM object, and therefore can only be
used to refer to objects, which in Visual Basic terms means to reference data types. For example, you cannot
use an object reference to refer to an Integer or to a Single type. In C#, by contrast, an object0
method can be used to refer to any .NET data type, and since all data types are .NET data types, this
means that you can legitimately convert anything to an object, including int, float, and all the predefined
data types. To this extent, object in C# does perform a similar role to Variant in Visual Basic.
Value and reference types
In Visual Basic there is a sharp distinction between value types and reference types. Value types include
most of the predefined data types: Integer, Single, Double, and even Variant (though strictly speaking
Variant can also contain a reference). Reference types are any object, including class modules that
you define and ActiveX objects. As you will have noticed through the samples in this appendix, C# also
makes the distinction between value and reference types. However, C# is more flexibility to the extent
that it permits you, when defining a class, to specify that that class should be a value type. You do this
by declaring the class as something called a struct. As far as C# is concerned, a struct is basically a special
type of class that is represented as a value rather than a reference. The overhead involved in instantiating
structs and destroying them when we are finished with them is less than that involved when instantiating
and destroying classes. However, C# does restrict the features supported by structs. In particular,
you cannot derive classes or other structs from structs. The reasoning here is that structs are intended to
be used for really lightweight, simple objects, for which inheritance isn’t really appropriate. In fact, all
the predefined classes in C#, such as int, long, float, and double are actually .NET structs, which is
why we can call methods such as ToString() against them. The data type string, however, is a reference
type and so is really just a class.
We need to say a couple of words about operators in C#, because they do differ somewhat from Visual
Basic operators, and this can catch you off guard if you are used to the Visual Basic way of working. In
Visual Basic there are really two types of operator:
❑ The assignment operator, =, which assigns values to variables
❑ All the other operators, such as +, -,*, and /, which each return some value
There is an important distinction here in that none of the operators, apart from =, has any effect in terms
of modifying any value. On the other hand, = assigns a value but does not return anything. There are no
operators that do both.
In C#, this categorization simply does not exist. The rule in C# is that all operators return a value, and
some operators also assign some value to a variable. We have already seen an example of this when we
examined the addition assignment operator, +=:
int A=5, B=15;
A+=B; // performs an arithmetic operation AND assigns result (20) to A
Appendix B
+= returns a value as well as assigning the value. It returns the new value that has been assigned.
Because of this we could actually write:
int A=5, B=15;
int C = (A+=B);
This will have the results that both A and C will be assigned the value 20. The assignment operator, =,
also returns a value. It returns the value that has been assigned to the variable on the left side of the
expression. This means that you can write code like this:
C = (A = B);
This code sets A equal to whatever value is in B, and then sets C to this same value too. You can also
write this statement more simply as:
C = A = B;
A common use of this type of syntax is to evaluate some condition inside an if statement, and simultaneously
set a variable of type bool (the C# equivalent of Boolean in Visual Basic) to the result of this
condition, so we can reuse this value later:
// assume X and Y are some other variables that have been initialized
bool B;
if ( B = (X==Y) )
This code looks daunting at first sight, but it is quite logical. Let’s break it down. The first thing the computer
will do is check the condition X==Y. Depending on whether X and Y contain the same data, this
will either return true or false and this value will be assigned to the variable B. However, since the
assignment operator also returns the value that has just been assigned to it, the complete expression B =
(X==Y) will also return this same value (true or false). This return value will then be used by the if
clause to determine whether to execute the conditional DoSomething() statement. The result of this
code is that the condition X==Y is tested to determine whether the conditional statements should be executed,
and at the same time we have stored the results of this test in the variable B.
The ternary operator
We do not have space in this appendix to go over all the various operators that are available in C#. They
are detailed in Chapter 2 of this book. However, we will mention the ternary operator (also known as the
conditional operator) because it has a very unusual syntax. The ternary operator is formed from the two
symbols ? and :. It takes three parameters and is actually equivalent to an IIf statement in Visual Basic.
It is used syntactically like this:
// B, X and Y are some variables or expressions. B is a Boolean.
B ? X : Y
The way it works is that the first expression (the one before the ? symbol) is evaluated. If it evaluates to
true, then the result of the second expression is returned, but if it evaluates to false then the result of
C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
the third expression is returned instead. This provides an extremely compact syntax for conditionally
setting the value of variable. For example, we can write:
string animal = (legs==8) ? “octopus” : “dog”;
which yields the same result as:
string animal;
if (legs==8)
With the Visual Basic Iif function, this can be achieved with:
strAnimal = IIf(intLegs = 8, “octopus”, “dog”)
In this appendix, we have presented a brief introduction to C# through the eyes of a Visual basic programmer.
We have found quite a few differences in syntax. In general, C# syntax allows most statements to be
expressed in a more compact way. We have also found many similarities between the languages; for example
in their use of classes (or class modules in VB), value and reference types, and many of the syntactical
structures. However, we have also seen how C# supports many powerful features, particularly those
related to inheritance and classic object-oriented programming that are not available in Visual Basic.
Appendix A of this book contains an introduction to object-oriented programming, which is key to any
serious C# development effort.
Making the transfer from Visual Basic to C# does require a fair bit of learning, but is well worth it,
because the methodology of C# allows you to code not only any application that you could have developed
in Visual Basic, but also a wide range of other applications that would be too difficult, if not impossible,
to design in a good, well-structured, and maintainable manner in Visual Basic. With C# you also
get the added bonus of the .NET runtime and all its associated benefits.

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